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  • #29651
    avatarMichael Naruta

    Доброго вем, дня!

    Хочу заказать кабуру для Walther P22.
    Fobus Standard Holster RH Paddle WP22 Walther Model P22
    Если брать 2 и более будет бесплатная доставка. Она сейчас на 60% скидке. Цена около 16$.

    Желающие есть?

    avatarSergey Pogudo

    Миша, у меня такая была. Она для спорта — никакая. Не советую.
    Смотри в сторону рельсы + напильник.

    avatarSergey Pogudo

    Почитай комменты:

    When the holster arrived I was shocked at how tight it was. My gun went in and didnt come our for about 5 minutes. I actually had to change pants to get the holster to stay on my hip while the gun came out. And when it did my front sight came off and fell to the floor. I understand that this «locking» is a feature. So I figured that I’d better get on with learning about how to use it. After a few days of practice I was able to get it out of the holster with about a 85-95% first pull success rate. But if I changed the position of the holster for better concealment the angle would change my successful pull rate. In my opinion that is extremely unacceptable and unsafe.

    I ordered this holster and like everyone says «It’s way way too tight.» Yes, they should have put in an adjustment screw and a mentally challenged monkey could have told them that it’s way too tight and they should have fixed it before they sent it out but I’m sure they thought it would cost too much money to do it right the first time. I started to send it back but that’s a hassle too and I’d still have to find another holster. (Yeah, it’s kind of like Microsoft products … they suck but you have limited options)

    avatarMichael Naruta

    Читал, там вся трабла вроде как в «устройстве запирания». Лечиться путем вырезания его нафиг дремелем. Если у тебя осталась, дай посмотреть плиз вживую.


    У меня такая есть, для повседневной носки нормально, для матча неа.

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